Home News Abodi of Ikale commiserates the Ayebos over the passing of IWC President,...

Abodi of Ikale commiserates the Ayebos over the passing of IWC President, Dayo Ayebo.,


Abodi of Ikale commiserates the Ayebos over the passing of IWC President, Dayo Ayebo.,

– Steve Ovirih.

Abodi of Ikaleland , His Imperial Majesty, Oba George Babatunde Faduyie , Adegun II has expressed his condolences to the Ayebo family of Ikoya, cradle of Ikale land over the death of Chief Dayo Ayebo, President, Ikale World Congress, IWC , who exited the earthly plain on Tuesday November 1, 2022 at his Lansdowne, Pennsylvania residence , United States of America.

The reverred Ikale Monarch described Late Ayebo as a bona-fide Ikale who remained a pride of the homestead in his foreign sojourn all through his earthly existence .

In a statement made available to the press and obtained by the polity.net, Oba Faduyile noted that Ikale World Congress, IWC, Ikales and Nigerians in The Diaspora have lost a polished gentleman of the most refined class in Dayo Ayebo, whom he said was a man of many parts ,yet created time and passion for the development of his Ikale nation.

Oba Faduyile noted that his tenure as the President of Ikale World Congress, IWC would be remembered for the giant contributions he made towards the advancement of the cause of security of lives and property in Ikaleland, adding that Ayebo – led IWC picked up the gauntlet and supported in no small measure the rehabilitation of public facilities touched by arsonists of the Endars protest.

The foremost Ikale Monarch while praying for the repose of Late Ayebo’s soul , asked God to grant his immediate family, the IWC and his people in entirety the fortitude to bear the painful reality of his death.


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