Home News Faduyile harps on medical benefits of fitness, healthy living.

Faduyile harps on medical benefits of fitness, healthy living.


Faduyile harps on medical benefits of fitness, healthy living.

-Steve Ovirih.

Prof. Dayo Faduyile OON, immediate past Special Adviser on Health to Ondo State Governor has charged Nigerians to pay more attention to healthy living, staying fit and their physical health as he maintained that staying physically fit provides emotional resilience, good stamina and endurance.

Prof. Faduyile made this known in an interactive session with newsmen, where he stressed that healthy living is a panacea to good health. ” It is important that as long as we are not sick, we must carry out physical exercises or work out four times weekly for at least one hour so as to increase the heartbeats to 100 beats per minute.

” I will encourage that to allow for physical fitness, it is good for one to take a long walk to get 10,000 steps.”

Faduyile equally advised that taking part in gym activities or playing one’s favorite sport will increase bodily fitness admirably.

He noted that those who indulge physical
exercises are able to tackle challenges better as such increases their strength and inner carriage.

” When there is physical fitness there is more power over physical ailments, ” Prof. Faduyile, a prominent Pathologist and Forensic scientists added.


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