Home News minimum wage review :Labour plans to close ranks.

minimum wage review :Labour plans to close ranks.


Despite the seeming differences between the Nigerian Labour Congress/Trade Union Congress and the newly established United Labour center (ULC), the three Labour body will unite and work together to harmonize their different positions on the new national minimum wage.

President of the United Labour center, Comrade Joe Ajaero gave this assurance at the sideline of the last Labour day celebration. He defended United Labour center’s #96 000 national minimum wage demand for workers, adding that Nigerian workers even deserve a better deal from government.

The NLC and the TUC have jointly presented #56,000 national minimum wage for workers, while the United Labour Center has presented #96000 to federal government.

On the case of the differences between the new body movement and NLC/TUC, Ajaero said he doesn’t envisage any problem Rather, he said he did not see the discrepancy in their demand, s resting the three Labour centers will resolve and present a common front to demand a better wage package for the poor and impoverished public servants.

However, Comrade Ajaero warned the government not to sit down to negotiate on the new minimum wage without the input of Nigeria Employers consultative Association, noting that the minimum wage issue is an inclusive matter.

Ajaero said the three Labour movement eventually sat down at a roundtable when the issue of palliative was discussed, courtesy of the fuel hike, thus, he is not expecting any thing different from a mutual resolution among the Labour centers for them to be able to provide a cohesive front to the federal government as regards the raging issue of the new minimum wage policy.


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