Home News The Oyesanmis serenade Marcus Akinfolarin Oyesanmi at 70 as Babalola Oyesanmi ups...

The Oyesanmis serenade Marcus Akinfolarin Oyesanmi at 70 as Babalola Oyesanmi ups ante of philanthropy ….. creates 2 new millionaires.


The Oyesanmis serenade Marcus Akinfolarin Oyesanmi at 70 as Babalola Oyesanmi ups ante of philanthropy …..
creates 2 new millionaires.

-Steve Ovirih

The Ayadi kith and kin of Ode Erinje in Okitipupa Local government on Saturday, April 18th celebrated one of the scions of the family, Mr.Marcus Akinfolarin Oyesanmi as he joined the league of Septuagenarians.The celebrant, a successful business magnate with interest in freight forwarding was all smiles as a standing applause ushered him into the venue of the birthday bash.

While reading his profile, Taiwo Oyesanmi, the OAU, Ife and Turkey trained Economist noted that Pa Marcus Akinfolarin is a father figure, a community leader per excellence and a formidable employer of labour who has run one of the leading clearing and freight forwarding business in Lagos successfully for over 30 years.

Taking to the dance floor to appreciate God’s
loving kindness over him in the past seven decades, the celebrant alongside his delectable wife was a sparkling spectacle to behold as the Oyesanmis , family and friends all filed out to share in the joy of the quite memorable celebration.

The two – in- one event was sizzled up with no less a feature than the unveiling of the winners of The Robert Florence Oyesanmi Foundation’s entrepreneural cash grant of one million Naira, even as the foundation has upped its ante by producing two brand new millionaires in the second edition of its financial assistance scheme to young entrepreneurs from Ondo South.

It will be recalled that The Robert Oyesanmi Foundation is the brain child of the Ode Erinje born Minnesota , United States based Babalola Oyesanmi, who has always been of the idea that the best humanity can offer is to lift the down trodden and empower the people so that gradually the chain of poverty can be broken in the society.

From the huge number of applicants for the program , after a rigorous interface between them and the organizers, they were screened and pruned down to four applicants out of which two winners eventually emerged. The four who made it to the final were Miss. Deborah Omoyanmola, Mrs.Moyinoluwa Ogunowo, Mr.Iroaye Olumide Ayodeji and Asiwaju Gbenga Monehin.

Based on further screening and critical vetting of their proposals as well as painstaking interview between the panel set up by The Foundation and the four applicants who made it to the final, Mr. Babalola Oyesanmi decided to increase the number of winner from one to two, a notable improvement on the first edition from which one millionaire had emerged.

Thus, on the occasion of the birthday of Pa. Marcus Akinfolarin Oyesanmi, two millionaires were announced and presented a cheque of 1 million Naira each by the Robert Florence Oyesanmi Foundation and the lucky winners were Mrs. Moyinoluwa Ogunowo, a fashion designer and Mr. Iroaye Olumide, a laundry and Dry cleaner expert.


While speaking with the polity.net on the fringe of the reception, the winners of The Robert Florence Oyesanmi cash grant expressed their gratitude to Mr. Babalola Oyesanmi whom they described as a philanthropist of great stature and an intellectual achiever. Mrs. Ogunowo noted that she participated last year but was not so lucky so she learnt through the process and having understood that the foundation was making millionaires who will add to the society and help others to grow, she expanded her proposal and put in better effort during the interface with the panel. She noted that she will procure more equipment and will organize free seminars for willing apprentices as she promised to assist a lot of young people willing to learn the fashion design skill acquisition. On his own part, Mr. Iroaye thanked Mr . Babalola Oyesanmi for increasing the number of winners to two , pledging not to disappoint the foundation.

Dr. Kehinde Patrick Oyesanmi who spoke with thepolity.net maintained that the foundation is not going to relent in offering assistance to young people of the area, stressing that Mr. Babalola Oyesanmi lived all his life here before he went to become a Nigerian in the Diaspora so he understands quite well the challenges of the people even as he noted that government cannot provide all the needs of the people so those with milk of kindness like Babalola Oyesanmi cannot look the other way when they are genuinely motivated to be of assistance in the society.

The Publisher of Hero Magazine, Dr. Akinbiola who described Babalola Oyesanmi as a fantastic and genuine philanthropist congratulated him for celebrating his uncle , Mr. Marcus Oyesanmi on his 70th birthday, noting that the society is keeping record of his altruism. He said Babalola has been his bosom friend and his passion for a productive and economically buoyant society is highly commendable.


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