Home News 70-year-old man allegedly attacked with acid by siblings

70-year-old man allegedly attacked with acid by siblings


70-year-old man allegedly attacked with acid by siblings

Tamarauemi Ebimini

A 70-year-old man from Anambra State, South-east Nigeria, is currently fighting for his life in a hospital after his younger siblings allegedly poured a substance suspected to be acid on his face.

The victim, Christopher Igbokwe, hails from Okpunoeze, a community in Uruagu Nnewi North Local Government Area of the state.

His daughter, Princess Amaka, in a series of posts on her X handle (formerly known as Twitter) on Friday, said the siblings who carried out the attack were from other wives of Mr Igbokwe’s father.

”This is an appeal to the Anambra State Government and appropriate authorities to look into my father’s case and make sure that he gets justice,” Ms Amaka wrote on the microblogging platform.

Ms Amaka said the unnamed family members poured the acid on her father’s face on 24 November while he was standing in front of the family’s gate in the community.

“Presently my father cannot see with two eyes. All I am pleading is for the matter not to be swept under the carpet,” she said.

She added that it was not the first time the family members would attack her father.

“There are records of the first (attack) that happened 17 years ago,” she said without giving details.

She uploaded a photograph and a video clip of the victim on the X handle.

The 45-second clip showed the victim in the hospital with his face swollen. He struggled to open his eyes when asked to do so by a health worker.

Ms Amaka, in another post on the micro-blogging platform, uploaded a photograph of two young men said to be part of the attack, adding that “some” have been arrested and detained at the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

“These young men are the major culprits (in the attack) and are currently on the run. Some have been arrested and are in custody at State CID, Awka in Anambra State,” she wrote.

Responding to the X post on Saturday afternoon, the Force spokesperson, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, asked the victim’s daughter to contact him for action.

“Sorry about this. Necessary action would be taken,” Mr Adejobi, an assistant commissioner of police, assured.


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