Home News Cholera epidemic: Prof. Faduyile offers strong advice.

Cholera epidemic: Prof. Faduyile offers strong advice.


Cholera epidemic: Prof. Faduyile offers strong advice.

By Steve Ovirih.

An expert in the field of Medicine and a consultant Pathologist with wide expertise in Forensic Medicine Prof.Dayo Faduyile, OON has warned that sudden severe diarrhea, vomiting that leads to severe dehydration are all symptoms of Cholera, stressing that cholera is a bacteria disease that is caused by Vibrio cholerae.

While maintaining that 60 percent of the human body is water, Prof Faduyile said five or more episodes of diarrhea and vomiting can be deadly.

The former National President, Nigeria Medical Association ( NMA) and prestigious holder of National Honor, gave this indication in an exclusive chat with thepolity.net

He noted, ” stool and vomitus are highly
contagious and are transmitted by drinking contaminated water and food.

“It must be noted that poor personal and hand hygiene is a major cause of cholera while poorly cooked vegetables and unwashed fruits are also major causes.”

While offering advice on how to combat the now raging cholera scourge in Nigeria, Prof. Faduyile said good personal hygiene is key, adding that everyone should cultivate the habit of proper hand washing and drinking of potable water.

” If we want to eat fruits, they must be washed properly and this also applies to vegetables; they must be thoroughly washed.

” All foods must be properly cooked before consumption,” he added.

The former Special Adviser on Health to Ondo State Governor in his round off remark stressed, ” treating diarrhea disease at home is very dangerous and it is more advisable to report any incidence of such at the hospital for proper medical care.”


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