Home News Gen Bajowa congratulates Regent of Ayeka on her Birthday…. Salutes her...

Gen Bajowa congratulates Regent of Ayeka on her Birthday…. Salutes her strides in Ayeka Kingdom.


Gen Bajowa congratulates Regent of Ayeka on her Birthday….

Salutes her strides in Ayeka Kingdom.

– Steve Ovirih.

Prince ( Dr) Gen. Olu Bajowa,( OFR) the Jagunmolu of Ikaleland and Ojagbulegun from The Source has congratulated his wife , The Regent of Ayeka Kingdom, Her Royal Highness, Princess Barr. Oluyemi Bajowa as she marks her birthday today.

Gen. Bajowa in his special congratulatory message to celebrate his jewel of treasured value noted that ‘ on behalf of himself , the entire Bajowa Royal dynasty,” he wishes God’s continued protection on the Regent of Ayeka in good health , in her service to humanity .

” Dear Kabies,
Today is your day of joy. On behalf of myself and the entire Bajowa Royal family, I wish you God’s continued protection in your service to humanity, longevity in good health to live long and see your Children’s children with prosperity,” the statement reads in part.

Gen Bajowa also prayed God to grant the prominent Ikale monarch longevity to see her children’s children.

He added that he has noted with satisfaction and pride the Regent’s initiative for the development of Ayeka Kingdom and her commitment to the growth of the area , stressing that such initiative as deployed by Princess Oluyemi Bajowa has endeared commendable progress to Ayeka within the short period of her Regency.

“The empowerment of your subjects, particularly women, and the establishment of Lumure Hunters Association, for the security of Akeya Kingdom, had transformed your community to an enviable domain in Ikale Land,” Gen Bajowa noted.

Closing his congratulatory statement to serenade his amiable wife , a copy of which was obtained by thepolity.net, Gen Bajowa penned, ” Well done Kabiyesi, but come back home to Igbotako very soon.”


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