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Prof Faduyile greets Christians at Christmas … Says Gov Akeredolu has improved Ondo State health sector tremendously. …asks people to do regular medical check.



Prof Faduyile greets Christians at Christmas …

Says Gov Akeredolu has improved Ondo State health sector tremendously.

…asks people to do regular medical check.

– Steve Ovirih.

Former National President, Nigeria Medical Association ( NMA) , Prof Dayo Faduyile, OON, has congratulated Christians on the occasion of yet another Christmas celebration for the year 2022, describing the grace of sustainability as one that is worth appreciating God for.

The Officer Order of the Niger (OON) noted that our existence all through the year round in good health to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ requires that we thank God specially, noting that not everyone who started the year are still on this plain. Faduyile urged Chriatians to give thanks to God for all that he has done for everyone, appealing to Christians to also remember Nigeria as the nation gravitates towards another election year.

Prof Faduyile who is the Special Adviser on Heath to Ondo State Government gave this indication in an exclusive media chat with thepolity.net at his office in Alagbaka, Akure, the Ondo State capital.

Prof Faduyile noted that Ondo State Governor, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, SAN, CON has made Ondo State a record breaker , noting that the government has done enough to make Ondo State get the necessary recognition all over the country. ” You will recall that in the last few weeks , Ondo State was assessed to be the state with the lowest poverty rate all over Nigeria.

” I can tell you a lot of indices that were used have to do with the health and entrepreneurial activities of the governement.

” There is no doubt about the fact that the primary health care system is working very perfectly in Ondo State as you can see Health is done under one roof and I can tell you Gov Akeredolu has prioritized citizens ‘ health which is been perfectly taken care of.

” Aside that , government is putting so many interventions in place in terms of maternal and infant health Scheme through the instrumentality of ” the Abiyamo Program and under this project quite a good number of the people of Ondo State have benefited while a lot more will still benefit.

” The Oranges is coming handy and this makes it possible to get all the Civil servants covered under a health insurance scheme with the premium paid by government as government pays 60 percent while the civil servants shoulder 40 percent, ” Prof Faduyile noted.

He added that Governor Akeredolu has prioritized health within ‘The Redeemed Agenda’ of his administration and he is putting every effort in place to ensure the people of Ondo State are in a healthy state.

On the increasing public concern over high incidence of stroke in the society, Prof Dayo Faduyile, OON, expert in Public Health, Pathology and Forensic Medicine said the reason why people suffer stroke is due to poor knowledge of citizens ability to pay attention to their health status , noting that there are predisposing factors or some of those things that can cause stroke. ” The no 1 cause of stroke is hypertension; anyone who is hypertensive has six times increase risk of having stroke, so if one is aware of his or her hypertension status, stroke becomes avoidable.

“The second predisposing factor causing stroke is Diabetes Melaitus. A diabetic person has 2 times risk of having stroke. Also, hyperlipidemia is a predisposing factor to stroke. Yet, it is only when one tests his or her lipid profile before one can ascertain this. It has a high direct relationship to stroke, ” Prof Faduyile stressed.

He added that family history of people who have had stroke is also very important, maintaining that some diseases like sicke cell anemia can make one to be susceptible to being affected by stroke as a blockade within the vessel to the brain results in stroke easily.

He however indicated as well that being old predisposes the aged to hypertension, the resultant effect of which is stroke.

Prof Faduyile therefore advised people to always take time out to check their blood pressure either they are hypertensive or not , stressing that everybody should keep their Blood Pressure in control as that is the surest way of averting stroke. ” If you are not hypertensive, check your blood sugar from time to time and if you are diabetic, ensure you adhere strictly to the treatment regimen.

” It is important to do regular medical check for perfect healthy wellbeing, ” Prof Dayo Faduyile emphasized.


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